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Snow Peak Fabric Quality Statement 


At Snow Peak, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest-quality outdoor products. We recently became aware of a quality control issue related to some of our tent and shelter fabrics that we want to address openly and transparently. 

Recently, it has been brought to our attention that certain tents and shelters have water resistance discrepancy from what has been stated and a few of these also have an incorrect fabric type. The fabric behind the mesh panels in some models does not meet the advertised 1800mm water resistance standard. Additionally, some products marketed as featuring ripstop fabric were found to contain polyester fabric instead.  




While neither of these issues compromises the overall usability, functionality, or safety of the tents, we understand that the discrepancy between our advertised features and the actual product is concerning. We take full responsibility for this oversight and are committed to rectifying it. 

We are evaluating next steps to correct the issue and collating information. If you purchased one of these affected products directly from Snow Peak, our team will be in touch via email if an email was provided with purchase.  For those who made purchases through a retailer in the UK or Europe, or if you did not provide an email with your purchase, please contact our customer service team at Please include your contact details and proof of purchase for further details on remediation support. 

We sincerely apologise for any confusion or concern this issue may have caused. Our customers’ trust is paramount to us, and we are taking all necessary steps to ensure that this oversight is corrected swiftly. We have implemented additional quality control checks to prevent similar issues in the future and ensure that all Snow Peak products meet our rigorous standards.  
We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we work to maintain the quality and integrity central to our brand values.  

Products Affected that have been sold in UK/Europe: 

  • TP-240 Living Shell S 
  • TP-623-IV Living Shell Ivory 
  • TP-623R Living Shell 
  • FES-240 Living Shell S Pro  
  • TP-635 60th Anniversary Living Shell Ripstop 60th  
  • FES-090 Land Lock Pro Ivory  
  • FES-091 Land Lock Pro Red Frame Edition  
  • PG-270 Perfect Land Lock Pro  
  • PG-272 Perfect Land Lock  
  • SD-506 Dock Dome Pro 6  
  • SD-507IV Dock Dome Pro 6 Ivory  
  • SD-510 60th Anniversary Dock Dome Pro 6 Ripstop  
  • SD-632 Land Breeze 2  
  • SD-634 Land Breeze 4  
  • SD-636 Land Breeze 6  
  • SD-641 Land Breeze Pro 1*  
  • SD-643 Land Breeze Pro 3* 
  • SD-644 Land Breeze Pro 4*  
  • SDE-259 Land Nest Dome S  
  • SDE-260 Land Nest Dome M  
  • SET-259 Land Nest S Tent Tarp Set  
  • SET-260 Land Nest M Tent Tarp Set  
  • TP-450 Spearhead Pro L  
  • TP-455 Spearhead Pro M  
  • TP-640 Tasik  
  • TP-656 65th Anniversary Land Base Pro 6  
  • TP-656-IV 65th Anniversary Land Base Pro 6 Ivory  
  • TP-690 Tuga  
  • TP-700 Sol Pro  
  • TP-710 Zekka  
  • TP-720 Fubi  
  • TP-750 Tortue Light  
  • TP-781 Living Lodge M 
  • TP-782 Living Lodge L  
  • TP-880 Entry 2 Room Elfield  
  • TP-880R Entry 2 Room Elfield  
  • TP-920 Mesh Shelter  
  • TP-920R Mesh Shelter   
  • TR-001 Field Trailer  
    *indicates products affected by ripstop discrepancy 

    What are the issues affecting these products?Faq arrow

    There are two issues affecting some
    or all of these products:

    Issue (1): There is a difference in the printed specifications concerning the
    water pressure resistance for the panel behind the mesh sections in the 42
    tents listed.

    The materials used to cover the
    back side of the mesh panel sections were originally specified as being 1,800
    mm min. It was found that the material used did not meet the original
    specification of "1,800 mm minimum" for water pressure resistance.

    Issue (2): There is a difference in the printed specifications related to
    the ripstop fabric elements, affecting 3 tents listed.

    It was found that the ripstop fabric on the back of the mesh panel of affected products,
    which was labelled as "75D Polyester Rip Stop," was in fact made of
    "polyester material’.

    What area is affected?Faq arrow

    In both cases, the affected
    areas are located behind the mesh panels.

    How was this discovered?Faq arrow

    On September 9, 2024, we
    received an inquiry from a customer regarding symptoms of water leakage from a
    Living Shell Ivory (TP-623-IV). Upon checking the product internally, it was
    determined that the problem was due to a fabric defect relating to insufficient
    water repellence.

    Once this was discovered, we conducted a comprehensive investigation and found
    no other occurrence of a similar nature in the affected tent. However, on
    September 20, we received a response from the supplier stating that there was a
    possibility that a material different from the specified 1,800 mm min polyester
    was used for the back of the mesh panel.


    In response to this fact, we
    have sequentially suspended production, shipment, and sales of Living Shell
    Ivory since September 26. Subsequently, we have now confirmed similar issues
    regarding the back of the mesh panel of other products manufactured by the same
    supplier that differs from our specifications, which has led to this report and
    our response.

    Although our standard for the back of the mesh panel is 1,800 mm minimum water
    pressure resistance, we have confirmed through shower tests that the fabric
    currently used has waterproof performance that does not pose a problem for
    normal use. We have not received any inquiries regarding the waterproof
    performance of any of our other products.

    What is water pressure resistance?Faq arrow

    In the UK this is usually referred
    to as “Hydrostatic head” and is the way a fabrics ability to resist water is
    usually measured. The reference to 1,800mm is the height of a column of standing
    water that can be placed directly on the fabric before water would penetrate
    it. Where we state 1,800mm minimum, in relation to a fly sheet for
    instance, we mean that no part of the fly sheet should be less than 1,800 mm,
    including seams etc.

     The surface of the flysheet has
    a water-repellent coating, which is one aspect of the waterproofing system. The
    back side of the flysheet has a PU Coating, which guarantees water pressure
    resistance. Our tents are also seam taped at the panel-to-panel seams to
    further enhance the waterproofing. There is no problem with the water pressure
    resistance or water repellence of the Fly other than behind the mesh panel, and
    no other safety issues have been confirmed.

    Is it safe to use these products?Faq arrow

    Yes, in normal use you should
    not experience any problems. There is no problem with the water pressure
    resistance or water repellence of the Fly sheet, other than the mesh panel, and
    no other safety issues have been found.

    Who is the contact point for general/user inquiries?Faq arrow

    For inquiries, please contact UK
    customer services through our customer service portal on our website.

    Monday through Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)

    What will the response be?Faq arrow

    Snow Peak UK intends to contact all affected customers
    in early 2025, once we have finalised our resolution options. At present we are
    planning for these to include either repair options or a limited gift as

    Are you considering refunds?Faq arrow

    From the viewpoint that this
    issue does not affect the normal use of these items and may only pose an issue
    in very specific circumstances, we will not be considering refunds.