Here at Snow Peak, we think camping is one of the best ways to reorient yourself to the natural world. Camping trips are the source of countless memories and moments of connection for people across the globe. If you've yet to experience the joys of spending a night or two outside, we're here to support you in your camping endeavours. Check out our Summer Camp Essential Collection for recommendations to help build out your setup.
What You'll Need
We know it can feel overwhelming to pack & plan for your first camping trip! To avoid packing everything but the kitchen sink (though if you do, no big deal) or worse, forgetting something critical, consider your basic needs when organising your list.

A reliable tent is a critical part of your first camping trip. When starting your camping adventures, choose a tent that feels accessible and easy to use. If possible, it's always a good idea to do a test set up in your garden or living room before heading out to the woods! To prepare for unexpected rain or blazing sun, a tarp might also be a useful addition to your new camp kit. One of our favourites for first-time campers is the Amenity Dome M. It's spacious and quick and easy to set up, and also adapts to various weather conditions. On hot summer nights, we love using it without the fly for optimal stargazing!

Even the warmest of summer days tend to cool off in the evening. Make sure you're prepared to stay warm by packing layers. Our go-to layer for cool evenings is the Flexible Insulated line. Additionally, a fire is central to your camping experience. Bonfire, or Takibi in Japanese, is the heart of every outdoor gathering. Coming together by the fire is the best way to wrap up a fun day in the outdoors, whilst also bringing us closer to our camp companions. We'd be remiss not to recommend the Takibi Fire & Grill for any camping trip or outdoor gathering. Not sure how to get your fire blazing? Find our tips for starting a campfire here.

Food & Drink
Many first-time campers are concerned about cooking in the outdoors. What will I use? Is pot noodle my only option? In short – no! Though we have nothing against instant noodles, rest assured, with just a little extra preparation you can create a truly memorable meal. Check out our Takibi Yakitori recipe for some inspiration.
A few thoughtful decisions and careful gear selection make all the difference for your outdoor cooking and dining experience. Consider your cooker – are you grilling on a barbeque? Using a camp stove? Cooking over an open flame? There's no wrong answer, but it's essential to consider your setup before determining your menu.
Once you've sorted your kitchen, think about your dining situation. Sturdy dishware is a must when camping. Our favoured material is stainless steel – it's lightweight, sleek, and durable. The Tableware set L includes all the essentials you need for your campout.
Additional Considerations:
Your camp companions: Whether it's your pup, your sibling, or best friends, give some thought to who you're inviting to share in your outdoor experience! Weather Conditions: Always double-check the weather before heading off on your excursion. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst! Additionally, always check fire regulations in your chosen destination. Fire safety is paramount, especially during the dry summer months.