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Daruma Dolls: Setting Intentions

Written by: beatrice bowdon

December 31st , 2022

Daruma Dolls: Setting Intentions

January offers a time to reset for the year ahead, a moment where we can look inward and set our resolutions for the twelve months to come.


Each year, Snow Peak participates in the Daruma Doll tradition to inspire thoughtful intentions. Named after the founder of Zen Buddhism, Daruma dolls are typically used as an encouraging reminder of the goals we set at the beginning of the year.


This year, we look forward to continuing our spirit of adventure, by embracing the outdoors and the joy that can be found in nature. By camping together, we create connections with each other and the world we live in, mindfully and spiritually.


We would like to invite you to join us this year in a practice of setting your intention. 


Step 1. Determine your resolution or goal for the new year.

Step 2. Set your intention by filling in the pupil of the doll’s left eye.

Step 3. Place the doll in a prominent space inside your home for a daily reaffirmation and reminder of your resolution.

Step 4. Thank the Daruma for helping achieve the goal by filling in the right pupil. 


Made of paper, the dolls are traditionally burned at the end of the year, symbolising a return to the earth and creating space for fresh resolutions.